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Cosmic Wisdom in Education

Cosmic Wisdom in Education
Cosmic Wisdom in Education
Cosmic Wisdom in Education : No Doubt today’s education (whether its Pre primary-primary-Middle-Secondary-Higher Secondary or Higher Education) in many ways evolving. But still it’s well behind our expectation. What’s missing? Definitely the ‘Cosmic Wisdom’

Healing Home Provide Consultancy To open School & Colleges with “Cosmic Wisdom”

What is Cosmic Wisdom?

Let’s understand it

Just tell me, what you don’t want?
Well there are lots of things we don’t want.

Can we make a category?
  • Yah! All the things that we don’t want can be categorized in three types.
  • Firstly there are certain things, which we don’t want in our self.
  • Secondly there are certain things, which we don’t want in our fellow human beings, our relatives.
  • Thirdly there are certain things, which we don’t want in nature.

Example : In our self :sadness, disturbance, hopelessness, frustration, tension, loneliness, bored ness, confusion and so on.

In Human Surrounding : dispute, argument, conflict, struggle, clash, fight, emotional insecurity, competition, cheating, crime, war and so on.

In Nature : earthquake, flood, famine, epidemic, draught and so on

To All the above listed things, we generally call them as problems.

So it is the problem, which we don’t want. And the problem as we had seen is always three folds either personal or social or environmental.

We cannot suggest any other kind of problem. Now I have to ask one question:

If we don’t want problem why they are?

Nobody wants them still they exist on earth why?
In my view I think we haven’t yet understood it.

What to understand?
Actually the current view to see a problem is to see it as a difficulty.

So naturally confronting a problem we generally want to avoid it or run from it or ignore it or resist it or suppress it or fight it or try to solve it.

There is a law, which says that by avoiding, ignoring, running, resisting, suppressing, fighting or solving (temporary relief) we cannot be free from problems And that’s the reason why so many problem we are facing in spite of our Herculean effort.

Every day thousands of social workers born, everyday hundreds of social institutions forms and every day many new problems come out.

The reason is in our view to see a problem.

Then how to see it?
Actually every problem is an indicator

Just like “Hunger”, it’s an indicator of something is missing in our body, it’s not a problem. In fact every problem is an indicator of something missing.

So what to do?
First stop avoiding, ignoring, running, resisting, suppressing, fighting, crying, blaming or solving (searching temporary relief) a problem.

Understand a problem as an indicator, just like hunger or thrust, they are not the problem but a signal of something to be fulfilled and as we do it they vanish.

In fact in our body diseases are nothing but an indication.

Fever is not a disease nor pain nor swelling, they are just a signal which the body gives to us to fulfill the missing need but because of our ignorance we take PCM (Paracetamol) or pain killer which suppress the symptom and give us temporary relief.

But a relief is a relief not a cure. Similarly we human beings are doing the relief measures in the name of solution and that’s the cause of all the misery we are facing today.

Example :
If two people quarrel we generally suggest, now on ward don’t talk with each other (avoiding a problem) There is a problem we had seen of boredom, everybody faces it, and

what we do?
Keep our self busy (ignore the problem).
Entertain our self through various relief measures like music, songs, films, stories, playing and doing all sorts of new and funny things.

But these are all relief measures, which give us temporary relief from boredom but cannot root out the boredom.

Do we want the relief or total solution?
If we want the total solution then we have to understand the problem as a signal and search for the cause of that signal.
Lets see

We had seen the three problems, namely personal, social and environmental.

If we interpret ate it as a signal of something missing which has to be fulfilled, then the question arises what is missing?
Lets first take the case of:

Personal problem is an indication of Actually if we study a person, we finds, a person is made up of two separate entity: One is called the body and the other is called consciousness. It’s the conscious part of us which aspire, thinks, imagine, plans, understands, remember and experiences. So we can say that human being is made of two things or entity, namely, body and consciousness.
We know the body: what it is? How is it made? How does it function? But regarding the conscious part of our being we know very little.

This is the cause of all the personal problems. Actually all the personal problems are an indication of this missing (not knowing our self), which has to be fulfilled.

Unless we know our self completely there is no solution to this problem. Off course we are free to choose the relief measures.

Lets take the second case :
Social problem is an indication of

Actually there is a thing, called relationship, between the consciousness parts of human beings and since we don’t know the consciousness part of our being we are unable to relate with it.

That is why we fail to understand the fellow beings.
And unless we are able to relate with the conscious parts of our being, we can’t feel the bonds. That is why relationship fails.

The bonding, which we feel currently, is not enough strong to sustain long-term relationship without any disagreement.
All the social problem is an indication of this missing conscious bonding.

Wherever this conscious bonding occurs in whatever relationship its mutually satisfying, the persons involve feels the oneness (love) and whosoever feels this oneness cannot create any social problem.

In fact the entire social problem is because of missing of this oneness.

Unless we can relate our self-consciously we can’t experience this oneness, so unable to form lasting relationship and family.

Unless we form such relation there is no solution to this problem.

Off course we are free to choose the relief measures.

Lets take the third case:
Environmental problem:
Environmental problem is an indication of :

Actually the whole existence is a beautiful system.
In this system there is co- existence i.e. every entity is a complete system in itself and is participating with the rest of the system.

There is relation and inter relation between the entities, and unless we realized this all and live accordingly we cannot be free from natural calamities. In fact environmental problem is an indication of ignorance of natural systems and to live according to the system.

Global warming
What is a global warming?
Well I am explaining:
We are extracting coal, there is a role of coal in earth system, that is to absorb the solar radiation (heat) and digest it, now see what will happen?

Yes, when nobody is there to absorb and digest heat, warming is the result. So this is the real cause of global warming. Unless we humans study the whole existence as a coherent system and live accordingly there is no solution to this problem. Off course we are free to choose the relief measures.

So we had seen the problem and their solution. So the solution is: To know oneself completely
To know the fellow human being, conscious relation.
To know the whole existence as a co-existence.
To live with wisdom

In the absence of the solution there is the problem.
The “solution” is the content of any education.
Cosmic Wisdom provide this Solution


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